Department of Physics, Adamu Augie College of Education Argungu, Kebbi State, Nigeria.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2025, 25(01), 1480-1487
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2025.25.1.0169
Received on 07 December 2024; revised on 16 January 2025; accepted on 19 January 2025
Introduction; The roles of the 21st century teacher has become a subject of concern by all stake holders of Education. It is on this note that this paper was written to address one of the fundamental and primary assignment of the teacher to device an innovative method that will lessen the classroom challenges of the 21st century. An IBL teaching strategy is assumed to skyrocket scientific skills however researchers noticed its unused by teachers.
Objective; this paper tried to investigate the physics teachers’ use of IBL to teach Physics in secondary school of Birnin Kebbi Town.
Method; all the physics teachers were called by the state ministry of education and serve with a Promoting Inquiry-based learning in Mathematics and Science Education (PRIMAS) questionnaire. Successful teachers were chanced to attend an IBL training workshop after the training the teachers were given the questionnaire. The results of their performances were analyzed.
Result and discussion, the outcome of the study indicated a momentous performance in the physics teachers that attained the IBL training workshop over the Physics teachers that did not attend the training workshop. The findings equally showed that there was no difference in the gender usage of IBL in the physics classroom.
Research implication; the study result has a lot of implications for educational planners and physics teachers. Physics teachers should be mandated to use the method to teach physics using IBL and the educational planners should consider making IBL method compulsory for all subjects at secondary school level.
Originality value; it is imperative to note that study of this kind is necessary to improve critical thinking skills, problem solving skills and scientific thinking to prepare students address the challenges of the 21st century and beyond
Inquiry base learning; Strategy; Physics; Secondary schools
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Aliyu Bako. An investigation into the use of inquiry based learning (IBL) strategy to teach physics in some selected secondary schools in Birnin-Kebbi Town of Kebbi State. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2025, 25(01), 1480-1487. Article DOI:
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