Computer Information Systems, College of Engineering, Prairie View A&M University, Texas, United States.
World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2025, 25(01), 662-686
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjarr.2025.25.1.0083
Received on 28 November 2024; revised on 07 January 2025; accepted on 09 January 2025
Neural network systems have become the gold provocative standard in blood-based biomarker analysis for metastatic disease diagnosis, providing higher sensitivity and specificity for early cancer detection. The lexical method also showed that recent developments in artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies allow for the complex interpretation of various types of biomarkers, such as circulating tumor cells, cell-free DNA, microRNAs, and proteins. Many biochemical patterns of biomarkers could be easily handled through sophisticated algorithms and depending on these active approaches in diagnosing metastatic outcomes more accurately at earlier stages. Literature analysis involved a targeted selection of scientific peer-reviewed articles dedicated to neural network utilization in blood-based biomarker screening for cancer. Doing a systematic evaluation critically assessed methodologies associated with artificial intelligence, types of biomarkers, methods of detecting biomarkers, and clinical validation strategies. Filtering was done based on several factors including the identification of new architectures for neural networks, new biomarker analysis methods, and clinical applications primarily focusing on the early detection of metastatic diseases. Analysis of reviewed studies showed a high diagnostic accuracy when neural network systems are used for biomarker analysis. Volumes in Cancer Computational Biology Vol reported that the machine learning models have achieved different sensitivity rates of over 90% including the ability to detect early-stage metastatic disease. The use of several categories of biomarkers and application-improved neural networks for their evaluation showed that the combined use of markers yields better diagnostic results than using single biomarkers. Neural network systems have significant potential to transform metastatic disease diagnosis using circulating biomarker detection. Using sophisticated computational models biomarker patterns are analyzed in detail and the diagnosis is made earlier, thus contributing to better treatment outcomes. Some complexities that are potential barriers include enforcing analysis protocols as standards, correcting and calibrating, and embracing routine technological practice. High-end artificial neural networks are the new frontier in blood-based biomarker analysis of metastatic disease diagnosis. Applying AI within the classic biomarker detection approach increases diagnostic reliability, detection timeliness, and the overall outlook for patient treatment. The advancement in neural network architectures as well as biomarker analysis techniques provides for further improvement in cancer diagnostics in the future.
Artificial Intelligence; Machine Learning; Cancer Detection; Liquid Biopsy; Precision Medicine; Molecular Diagnostics
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Toochukwu Juliet Mgbole. Advanced neural network systems for analysis of blood-based biomarkers in metastatic disease detection. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 2025, 25(01), 662-686. Article DOI:
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